Whiskers, Wings, and Witchy Things
The players play as familiars of a witch. They must rescue her from a greedy King who has kidnapped her and tries to use her magic for profit.
Wings of Lumiwood
The players are hired by a an eccentric mage to venture into the depths of a bioluminescent forest of gigantic mushrooms and capture a Glitterwing (a rare butterfly-like creature that creates stardust, a priceless potion ingredient).
The Secret of the Frankenstein's Castle
Players need to make their way through the Frankenstein's castle which has been turned into a bio-factory producing Chimeras, and rescue a pack of gigantic fruit bats from a spider-legged steampunk scientist performing cruel experiments on them.
Sink or Soar
Players are shipwrecked on the shores of the dreaded trash island where ruthless criminals are sent to live out their life sentences. Players must survive a sacrificial ritual, evade a pack of trained sharks, race to the top of a derelict Galleon, and harness the Roc (an enormous bird) - their only chance fly away to freedom.
Golly, gosh, Ghouls!
The Emperor of an Aztec Tribe has been turned into a Ghoul after he drank a potion made by the evil Witch Doctor. The players must investigate the local black market, figure out what's going on, and travel to the lost ancient pyramid where they can brew the antidote.
Pirates and Parrots
Players are Pirates of the Floating Islands, and their home, Fera Ley (think Tortuga but in the air) is being attacked by a massive flying ship of the Royal Navy, sent to “bring order and civilization to Fera Ley and put the pirate problem to rest”. The Dread Pirate Mont Blanc was just defeated in battle, and now the players are Fera Ley’s last hope to keep her freedom.
The Merry Mice of Mordor
Players play as mice, peacefully living in the tavern’s basement. One day an evil cat, the Dark Lord’s familiar, lays waste to their village and kidnaps several mice. The players must follow the cat to the Dark Citadel, find a way to defeat it, and rescue its victims.
Tusks and Scales
A shaman of the mountain tribe of mammoth shapeshifters, desperate to protect his people from the tribe of were-dinosaurs, has cast a spell to find and summon the only heroes who can save his tribe (players). They must travel through the prehistoric jungle to the Dinosaur Graveyard, and find a way to put an end to this conflict.
From The Great Beyond
A Wild West town is being terrorized every night by the monsters from "the other side" - zombies, ghosts, huge sentient spiders, etc. The players must return The Golden Key to the abandoned Dwarven city to reseal the Gate the monsters are coming from.
Into The Deep
A dwarven town built into the edges of the Grit Canyon is being attacked by sand worms (think Dune). Players must descend into the underdark, infiltrate the ancient Drow Metropolis, and defeat the Worm Master who uses his magic Wormulet to control the gigantic Worm Queen.
Do or Dry
Players are playing as tiny forest creatures. Their bayou is suffering from drought, the river nearby has dried out because the humans living nearby have built a dam. The animals need to destroy the dam, while being pursued by the animal “mafia” led by a Fox mastermind and a cocky Rattlesnake.
Zeppelin Heist
The players need to rescue a rebellious teenage tiefling who was sentenced to life in prison for a petty crime. She is transported to prison by Zeppelin. Players will need to discover the Zeppelin’s schedule and route, steal griffons to chase it and board it, liberate Anabelle, escape and cover their tracks.
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